Julius Nix

Welcome to Port Station, held together by sheer stubbornness as it's slowly forced into obsolescence. The series follows private detective Julius Nix as he struggles to both make ends meet and ignore his attraction to the alien Catholic priest on the station.

One turns out to be easier than the other.



To be clear: If you're not ok with trashy tales featuring pining over a priest, erotic use of blood, weird alien biology, or theological discussions that are half flirting and half in earnest, these stories are not for you.


Julius Nix Meets A Nun

In which we meet Julius Nix, perpetually down on his luck private detective, and Fr. Dominic, Catholic priest, who might be considered down on his luck if it weren't for the whole "selflessly serving others" thing.

Julius Nix Finds a Plant

In which Julius Nix investigates the appearance of a strange glowing thing in the maintenance tunnels, and discovers a surprising fact about Fr. Dominic's eating habits.

Untitled, in progress

In which Julius Nix goes on a date has lunch with Fr. Dominic, and is hired to find out why a human woman hasn't been seen since she entered an alien sacred brothel.